Candy Crush Basic Logic

Project information

  • Category: 2D Game Development in Unity

Candy Crush Basic Logic

On this development I had a lot of fun, the idea was to create a basic system following as example the famous game called Candy Crush. For the development I created some matrices system, to identify the next clicked item and to identify if I was going to get a match in the different perspectives, this means creating a line of three, four or five in the X and Y of the scene.

Since the idea was to create for mobile devices, I had to adjust the UI system to be responsive, so what I did is using the scale by the screen size, following the perspective of a big phone, to get organized every element in the correct way.

This video was the last update that I did, I know that the project is not finish, but I got the basic logic on how this game work and the way to implement new updates for the future if I decide to do them.