Zombie Project

Project information

  • Category: 3D FPS Game Development in Unity

Zombie Project

So, this is my first zombie game made in Unity, what I did is to create the navigation system, putting an agent to be able to walk around the level, with some random patrol around the map. Then I decided to implement my first zombie with AI system. The model for the zombie I was able to find it in maximo.com, also there I found the animations that I needed for the basic prototype. Now it comes the hard part, I wanted to create different states for the zombie, so the zombie right now has different states, like patrol, pursuit, feeding, alert, and damage, all those systems must be connected so the zombie can work in the right way.

On the animator controller I had to create different states for the zombie, so it can transition in a perfect way, right now it has the base layer, the cinematic layer, the damage layer, the upper body layer and the lower body layer.

For the first-person shooter I downloaded the model from Unity Store, to get the guns and the hands of the player, but then I had to write the code.

On the camera I create a script that handles the damage that the player is going to recipe and created a basic RGBA image that can show different marks on the screen by the damage that the zombie made to the player.

On the other hand, for the guns system, I had to create different codes, one to handle switching between guns, another one for the damage system that uses a Raycast system with a force and speed to detect if we are able to detect the zombie bones and also to detect what part or witch body part, we are getting using the respective Raycast.

I am still working on this project, I had been working 29 days on this project, so I am going to update in this update my future updates on this first project of FPS.

It’s important to know that this is just a model, and that the zombie have some triggers in the mouth and hands to detect the players collider, to the player can receive the respective damage.