Space Man

Project information

  • Category: 2D Platformer Game Development in Unity

Space Man

This project can be considered as the version 2.0 of the Space Man Platformer. For this project I decided to take it to the next level, so this video was recorded throw my smart phone. It’s a platformer game and I decided to create some power ups around the different levels, to get bigger, to jump higher, get smaller and more. All those power ups work by time, this means that have some Coroutines that handles the different functions to make it work in the right way.

On the other hand, I added different enemies, all of them have the Mario Bros mechanic, where you must jump on the top of their heads to be destroyed. When you destroy an enemy a particle system gets activated to simulate the destruction of the object. For enemy types, I have the basic one, and I create other more challenging characters that follow the main player around the level. All the enemies have their own controller.

Finally, I created the music system, the UI on the first menu to select different levels and to quit, the player helth and the coins collector system to all appear in the UI of the screen. It has pause system and more. So, it’s a very good improvement to be my third project.